The Eight Sabbats
The Moon Phase Esbats
Casting a Circle
Tools and Chakras
Herbs and Oils
Simple Spells



Merry Meet, my name is Julie Ann (Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aries). I shall be updating this site from time to time.

If you have any comments or enquiries, please feel free to email me


All information on this site is for guidelines only, we must all find our own path. I have tried to keep the site as concise as possible, it is an enormous and often very personal subject.
As in all walks of life, folk purport to be what they are not, if anyone asks you to do anything that you are not completely comfortable with, or asks for money, run to the nearest exit!
I am always happy to answer any questions regarding the background and history of wicca/Paganism
Also be very careful when using candles, or any naked flame, and of course keep any tools such as an athame or oils out of reach of children.

I dedicate this site to my daughter and son Vicki and Neil.
Special thanks to Neil who helped me construct this web site.

And to SA may the Goddess watch over you and keep you on a true and good path.

"To the Old Ones. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again"

Site launched: Eastre 20th March 2001

Last update: June 2006

© 2001wiccaweb