The Eight Sabbats

The Moon Phase Esbats

Casting a Circle
Tools and Chakras
Herbs and Oils
Simple Spells


Phases of the moon.

In addition to the Eight Sabbats, the Full Moon and New Moon phases are celebrated. These festivals are known as Esbats.

During these festivals, spells requiring a particular moon phase are cast. The Full Moon is best for spells which require the full energy of the Moon, as the Moon is closest to the earth at this stage, and exerting its full gravitational pull, this can be seen in the effects on the tides.

Spells cast at the New Moon, are usually for healing, cleansing and energising.

Sometimes, particular spells are best cast in between these two phases, for example, anyone wanting to reduce their weight should start their diet only after the full moon, when the moon is waning. Where as, anyone wanting a bit of money luck, should make a wish only during the waxing phase of the moon.